MORE CCTV, extra training for police officers and support for landlords — these are just some of the ways new funding will help tackle crime in Reading.
Last week it was announced the town is set to benefit from more than £400,000 as part of the government’s ‘Safer Streets’ fund.
Burglary, robbery and vehicle theft will be targeted with the new cash, which will be used by Reading Borough Council and Thames Valley Police.
CCTV camera. Licensed for reuse from Flickr user Dan Foy
Announcing the new funding, which totals £401,950 altogether, Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Barber said: “I am delighted to have secured funding of more than £400,000 from the Safer Streets Fund.
READ MORE: Town boosted by £400,000 for extra safety measures
“This funding will be used to tackle crime such as burglary, robbery and vehicle theft in Reading.
“We will be working closely with Reading Borough Council and Thames Valley Police to ensure this funding goes directly to tackling neighbourhood crime and making our communities safer.
“As part of our bid, we will be looking at many areas of improvement such as providing crime prevention packs to landlords to make their properties more secure, training for frontline officers in crime prevention awareness and the installation of additional CCTV in areas of concern.
Pic: Thames Valley Police
“We will also be working with the local community to engage them with crime prevention through advice and education.”
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The funding will focus specifically on the Coley and Oxford Road areas of the town.
According to the PCC, this work will feed into a bigger project to evaluate crime reduction across the whole of the Thames Valley.
Commenting on the award of the funding, Home Secretary Priti Patel said: “I will not stand by while criminals inflict fear and misery on our communities, which is why I launched the Safer Streets Fund to improve security in areas blighted by crimes like burglary, robbery and theft.
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“But it’s more than just environmental change – we need to prevent people from committing these offences in the first place as we build back safer.”
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