A housing developer in Reading is moving ahead with its plans to build 974 homes across two developments in the town.
Berkeley Homes has recently submitted details of its plans for two of its huge projects in Reading.
One is for its 765 home Huntley Wharf development, which is currently under construction, and the other is for a 209 home projects that will replace the SSE site in Vastern Road.
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Elsewhere, there are smaller plans for new housing in Tilehurst and near the town centre.
You can view the plans by typing the reference in brackets into the council’s planning portal.
Build standards confirmation for shop, pre-school and cafe at Huntley Wharf (221111)
The site plan for the 765 home Huntley Wharf development. Credit: Berkeley Group
Berkeley Homes has applied for building standards certification for a shop, pre-school and cafe contained in its massive 765 home Huntley Wharf development.
The project was approved in October 2018, with one of the conditions being that the buildings should comply to a Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) standard of ‘Very Good’.
As well as the shop, pre-school and cafe, Berkeley is also building a concierge, co-working studio, a gym and a restaurant with a view of the River Kennet.
Gas survey submitted for 209 homes at SSE site (221104)
A CGI for the 209 home plan for Vastern Road, Reading. Credit: Berkeley Homes
Berkeley Homes has submitted a gas survey for its project to build 209 homes at the old SSE site in Vastern Road.
The plan to build homes on the site was rejected by Reading Borough Council in April 2021, but allowed when Berkeley appealed to the Government’s planning inspectorate, which was determined earlier this year.
READ MORE: Developer wins appeal for 209 homes at Reading SSE site
Construction work on the project, which involves the demolition of the SSE building and its replacement with seven new ones has not started yet.
Prior to construction taking place, Berkeley has submitted a gas assessment conducted by Omnia consultants for the council to approve.
New house on garden in Tilehurst (220943)
5 Stoneham Close in Tilehurst. The landowner wants to build a new house to provide two new homes on land to the rear. Credit: Google Maps
Faris Sawar, the owner of 5 Stoneham Close in Tilehurst, has applied to build a new house on the garden of the existing home.
The new build, called 5A Stoneham Close, would be of similar size to the existing house, with a two bedroom apartment on the ground floor and a one bedroom apartment on the upper floor.
he proposed section for 5A Stoneham Close in Tilehurst. Credit: FDF Architecture
The future occupant of the one bedroom flat would get in via an outdoor stair access.
An existing garage would be demolished to make way for the new build, with future occupants benefitting from three parking spaces.
Conversion of offices into home near town centre (221092)
The interior plan for 6 Malthouse Lane in Reading. Credit: ADS Property Services
Mr H Kang, the owner of 6 Malthouse Lane, has applied to convert the office building into a two bedroom home.
ADS Property Services, planning agents for Mr Kang, wrote: “The offices are in good condition but now unlettable in this current climate, but would be very suitable for residential use in this busy town for professional people working in the area.”
READ MORE: Berkeley Group plan for 2500 homes for Berkshire village in doubt
The ground floor would contain a living room, separate kitchen and a shower toilet, with both bedrooms being upstairs.
No parking spaces are provided in the plan.